Digital Design & Implementations

Graphic Design
If you want a line out the door, you need something that grabs the soul.
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Dreamers push forward; Problem solvers clear the path.

   In 2007, at 18 years old, I helped a retired NASA physicist / Quantum Physics teacher start and operate an eCommerce business, called E-TechSiliconValley, reaching $1,000,000 in revenue by the end of its second year. 

   From bespoke SKU numbers, company branded packaging tape, organizing inventory and data entry, to hardware testing, photography, highly optimized web coding and even our own 3D mascot animation

When it was all said and done, we had over 20,000 products and saw our demand curve literally go exponentialWe grew so fast we took over the whole block!

eCommerce Made Easy

    From eCommerce, Web Design, Social Media and Branding,

 to Product R&D, UXand Logistics

You just found your guy.

Are you Ready?

Product Development

An idea realized is the greatest legacy.

   I moved to Orange County in 2009 and focused on college. In 2012, I started working for a small financial software company as a normal tech working part-time, called DealerClick. They had been providing software independent car dealers for as long as I have been alive. 

   With thousands of active subscriptions, and a software originally designed in 1997, the product and operational processes suffered greatly from the inefficiencies. I took it upon myself to resolve these issues by rebuilding the software from the ground up. 

   I was promoted to product manager and with our CEOs feedback and trust, we put together a team to complete our ambitious project. This project is now complete. Check it out at:


Make Your Vision into Reality

      There is truly, no greater pleasure in this world.

Are you ready?


What pleases the eyes, captivates the heart.

In the meantime, I continued school, and did some graphic design and consulting on the side. I helped many entrepreneurs; a travel agency, a bakery, a DJ, a nightclub, a realtor, a cryptocurrency project, and an aspiring software mogul. 

Stand Out.

      Life is too short to blend in with the crowd.

Need Examples?

Mortgage Finance

NMLS 1961469

Chasing the high of helping people, I passed the NMLS test and was licensed in California as a Mortgage Loan Officer, which gave me more opportunity to learn more about not just mortgage banking, but also about the lives of many of my fellow citizens. Real recognizes real, and I’m filled with joy every time one of my former clients from those days contacts me. 

 I never made “getting the sale” my priority. I continuously sought ways to save my clients more money than absolutely anyone else could on the face of the earth. I only do sales when I believe in the product, you should know that about me.


Output of a Full-Time In-House Website Specialist, for a Fraction of a man's Salary

Basic CMS Site

$ 499 /month
+$2,500 Setup Fee
  • Initial Content Development
  • Logo & Brand Identity Design
  • Domain Privacy & Maintenance
  • Server Hosting & SSL Certificate
  • Speed Optimization & Full Backups
  • Level 1 SEO
  • 24/7 Customer Support by Phone or SMS


$ 699 /month
+$5,000 Setup Fee
  • Logistics Consulting & Management
  • Data Corrections
  • Inventory Data Import & Export
  • Payment Processing
  • Automated Shipping Label & Tracking
  • Level 2 SEO
  • + All Services Included Under "Basic"

Full Service

WordPress + eCommerce + Content
$ 1,200 /month
+$10,000 Setup Fee
  • Incorporation
  • Business Model
  • Product Development
  • Market Research & Analysis
  • Proactive Content Development
  • Level 3 SEO
  • + All Services Included Under "eCommerce"

Contact Me

[949]939 8185

Or fill out the form below. I always answer my phone before I answer my emails.